Millennials are the first generation of workers and businessmen raised in the globalised world. Their approach towards doing things is completely different from that of the previous generations. This generation is inherently dependent on electronic communication such as the internet for various purposes. They believe in minimising the time involved in work and aim to increase efficiency and productivity to do any given task. That is why they look for software such as ERP for managing their work resourcefully.
Connected Workplace
Millennials expect data accessibility anytime, anywhere. They want connectivity and are the inventors of the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) concept. Millennials hold the point of view that live communication is better than traditional forms of communication such as e-mails and phone calls. Since they believe in fast communication, they look for cloud-based flexible ERP solutions for their businesses. The ERP system offers them unparalleled mobility and accessibility in a short span of time.
Connected Workplace
Millennials expect data accessibility anytime, anywhere. They want connectivity and are the inventors of the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) concept. Millennials hold the point of view that live communication is better than traditional forms of communication such as e-mails and phone calls. Since they believe in fast communication, they look for cloud-based flexible ERP solutions for their businesses. The ERP system offers them unparalleled mobility and accessibility in a short span of time.
Improved Communication and Response Time
The foremost priority of any millennial businessman is to establish a strong communication network as this strengthens internal communications. ERP software can also improve communication between customers and suppliers. If suppliers can coordinate easily with their finance, marketing, and sales teams with the help of ERP system then this improves their productivity and leads to business growth. Moreover, real-time communication among different groups within an organisation helps in faster response and better coordination.
No Formal Training Required
Earlier, there were different applications for performing tasks such as accounting, inventory management, supply, etc. However, millennials do not believe in spending time or effort in outdated software. Rather, they look for software such as ERP that serves as a complete solution for performing and managing different functions. ERP software integrates all business operations eliminating the need for multiple databases. Moreover, it offers a solution that is largely intuitive. It can be operated by staff involved at different levels within the industry for their respective jobs.
Mobility and flexibility of the software is one thing that millennials always look for in a software system such as ERP software. The mobility feature allows employees to access the system through multiple platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops from different locations. For instance, warehousing staff do not have to access their workstations to update the data and can use a portable device like a tablet or a phone to update the system. The truck drivers can log in and check their schedules right from their phones. Moreover, the staff can access and update any relevant information without having to access the corporate network system. This provides a significant competitive advantage to the business using the latest ERP software.